Constantin Brancusi’s Ensemble commemorates the soldiers who lost their lives defending Târgu-Jiu in World War I. The Ensemble consists of the Table of Silence, the Gate of the Kiss and the Endless Column arranged along an axis stretching from the floodplain of the Jiu River. During five decades of communist rule, the sculptures were left to languish as the landscape drastically changed around them. Recognizing the cultural importance of the Ensemble, the World Monuments Fund completed a much-needed restoration of the sculptures, and subsequently sought to repair the landscape. OLIN’s role was primarily one of editor, removing many inappropriate features on the site and adding only elements that would enhance the experience of viewing the sculptures. OLIN strategically screened out nearby intrusive structures that distracted from the majestic and contemplative nature of the art. Fittingly, the landscape is deferential and recollects the original conditions under which the Ensemble was sited. With the landscape revitalized, the Ensemble once again is a world-class destination and a symbol of the heritage and vibrancy of Romania.
Târgu Jiu, Romania
World Monuments Fund
Completed 2004
Key Team Members
Laurie Olin, Partner-in-Charge
Richard Newton, Project Manager