The Desert Shield and Desert Storm Memorial is an oasis rising out of the fabric of the National Mall. Nestled adjacent to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial, two of the most visited sites in the nation’s capital, the National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial is comparatively modest in size, but extraordinarily compelling in its layering of form and narrative of unprecedented international cooperation.
Curvilinear landforms rise and fall along the pathway which spirals toward the center of the site, their shapes evoking the image and texture of desert sand dunes. As visitors traverse the path, they approach a series of three elements which sequentially express the major themes of the conflict. The geopolitical and regional context, as well as the speed and scale of the conflict are represented by a soaring eagle and falcon, framed by a cinematic bas relief carving depicting the progression of the conflict to the liberation of Kuwait. The second element is a figurative sculpture of American service members, commemorating teamwork and courage in the face of danger, the bond formed through that experience, and the post-Vietnam healing and transformation of American society following the victory and homecoming. The Unity Shield is the third element, commemorating the memorial’s central theme of global cooperation and shared service and sacrifice. Situated within an oasis-like grove, the shield incorporates a water feature and includes an engraved symbol of each coalition nation. The sculptural elements and contemplative space ask visitors to remember this turning point in history when they gaze out over the Lawn toward the Lincoln Memorial—another symbol of hard-won liberty.
Washington, DC
National Park Service
The National Desert Storm Memorial
Association Board
In Progress
Key Team Members
Skip Graffam, Partner-in-Charge
Anneliza Kaufer, Associate
Sun Moya, Project Manager / Designer
Siyu Du, Landscape Architect
Rachel Freehling, Landscape Designer
Melita Schmeckpeper, Landscape Designer