Ryan Buckley joined OLIN in 2010 with professional experience in landscape architecture and research. Since joining OLIN, he has worked on projects that reposition and revitalize landscapes associated with historic, iconic buildings such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Rotunda at the University of Virginia, and, currently, a redevelopment of the Willis Tower in Chicago, Illinois. He has worked on a number of transformative, large scale planning projects, such as the Central Delaware Riverfront Master Plan in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, uCity Square in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Detroit Eastern Market in Detroit, Michigan. He has also worked on winning entries to competitions such as the 11th Street Bridge Park in Washington DC, the Plaza at Santa Monica, and Living Cities in Philadelphia. Most recently, Ryan has been the Associate in charge of a pair of major technology campuses in Silicon Valley as well as the Microsoft Campus Modernization in Redmond, Washington.