Three elements articulated in the new consulate compound in Hyderabad contribute significantly to its natural and designed sense of place: the role of water in the semi-arid region; the natural geology of boulder-filled landscape; and the native dry forest vegetation, uniquely adapted to the landscape of scarce water and shallow soils. The climate is one of extremes, periods of intense dryness punctuated by severe seasonal rainstorms making water management a significant part of the history of the Deccan Plateau. Stepwell complexes and thousands of artificial lakes have been employed for centuries to collect water to support crops and provide a source of water through drought periods. The region and site are also characterized by the natural beauty of enormous granite boulders and exposed sheet rocks. India’s complex history can also be observed through the lens of its native, indigenous, and evolving palette of imported plant species whose origin can be traced globally.
The design proposal weaved together these physical histories of building and landscape creating open spaces reflective of our historic and cultural ties between India and the United States. The Landscape Design, derived from the uniqueness of site and the form of the building, creates a cohesive network of arrival sequences, paths, gardens, terraces and recreational opportunities that engage the site’s natural terrain. By taking advantage of and celebrating the undulating, rocky terrain, the regional landscape is celebrated as engaging and welcoming—it remains strong but is not perceived as unyielding. Boulder fields, outcroppings, and sinuous pathways are combined with plateaus and terraces that form natural and comfortable congregation points from where the unfolding landscape can be engaged and observed. Gathering areas are sited in logical places, but are intended to feel episodic in design and are connected visually by means of “botanical ways” that celebrate the native flora of the region.
Hyderabad, India
U.S. Department of State, Office of Overseas Building Operations
Completed 2022
Key Team Members
Susan K. Weiler, Partner-in-Charge
Greg Burrell, Associate
Takashi Sato, Project Manager
Judy Venonsky, Living Systems Specialist
Project Overview
2024, American Institute of Architects, Virginia Chapter, Merit Award for Architecture