The beauty of landscape is in its extreme scales—it can be seen as a larger whole or a mosaic of smaller components that comprise a greater whole. OLIN’s proposal for a modular, adaptable wildlife crossing–which can be implemented by transportation departments across the nation–is informed by a computer model of a toroid, a ring-shaped, gridded web from which unique site-specific structural forms can be generated. The form of the bridge uses this structural geometry to make a gridded modular landscape system that is populated by diamond-shaped habitat modules. These modules are identical in shape and size, planted according to local ecological needs and are adaptable and reusable. The modular structure of the crossing acknowledges and links the migratory patterns of local animals with responsive ecologies that support a variety of plant communities, easily modified for certain sites to inform a feeling of safety and “normalcy” for wildlife. The OLIN proposal is the result of an international design collaboration between Buro Happold in London, Explorations Architecture in Paris, Applied Ecological Services, and OLIN—both in Philadelphia.
Vail, CO
Competition proposal completed 2010
Key Team Members
Tiffany Beamer, Associate
Jessica Henson, Landscape Designer
Ryan Buckley, Landscape Designer